Photo-feature: Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla
The Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla, the world’s smallest sandpiper, breeds across the entire North American subarctic in a wide variety of habitats including upland and coastal tundra and spruce forests. It winters from southern parts of the continental US south to central South America.
A vagrant to Japan, the species has yet to be recorded in Korea - though its occurrence here is perhaps being overlooked because of its similarity in non-breeding plumage to the widespread Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta.
All photographs © Charlie Moores. Taken at Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, California (September).
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004
Least Sandpiper, Bolsa Chica, Los Angeles, September 1 2004.